Read the Constitution and the history of melding divergent views. Introduce your kids/grandkids to White House Fun Facts with photos of White House Pets: Johnson's beagles Him & Her, or Bush's Millie & her puppies in "executive" service (Spot returned with George W.).
The White House Briefing Room blogs daily with summaries, documents, videos and transcripts. Automatic updates are available by email or RSS/Atomic Feeder.
My greatest hope is that we stop the mean-spirited sniping. With access to the same information the media get, do we need their one-sided negative commentary to form our opinions? The negativity that shrouds our country is old, gets us nowhere, and sure doesn't help our country get better.
Read what happened at the Fiscal Responsibility Summit held Mon., Feb. 23rd, when Congressional and nonprofit representatives met with the President to discuss: Owning Up To What We Owe
Read about the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan -- the Q&A identifies who can qualify and how to get help. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan explained....
The President has talked about the solution to this economic crisis as a stool with several legs, and his commitment to a comprehensive approach was clear when he moved from the first leg, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, immediately into the second and third legs, the Financial Stability Plan and the Mortgage Affordability Plan. This started as a mortgage crisis, and then a credit crisis, but it’s become a job crisis, so we have to take it on all at once.
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